Our Facilities

Excellent purpose built facilities

Our indoor and outdoor spaces are organised to offer every child a wide range of different activities and learning opportunities.  We aim for the learning to be hands-on, so children are fully engrossed in their learning and are able to become active learners who drive their learning.

Indoor facilities

This is an outstanding purpose built Nursery block with three distinct areas that cater for children under two years, 2-3 years and 3-4 years old. These areas were planned, built and equipped to provide the best environment for those specific age groups in mind.

Outdoor play area

Our excellent purpose built outdoor area is covered with soft surface to enable children to play freely without endangering themselves. We also have a hobbit house, bike tracks, climbing equipment - all enabling the children to grow with confidence in their abilities, encourage cohesion and develop their social skills at an early age.

Keeping your children safe

As a childcare provider, keeping your children safe when they are at Acorn Nursery is of paramount importance and we treat this duty of care very seriously indeed.

When they are in our care, as a parent you rightfully expect that your own child will be as safe and secure as they are in your own home. If you need further assurances on how we do this, please contact us and we will be more than happy to provide you with further details.

We also want to support parents in protecting their children outside the nursery. In the age of tablets and smart-phones, one of the key areas is online safety. There are two excellent websites that provide practical advice on keeping your children safe if they are using the internet.

These are:

Safeguarding children is everybody’s responsibility. If you would like to discuss any areas of safeguarding with us, please do not hesitate to speak to one of our Managers.